Day: January 2, 2012

Resolve? No. Plan? Yes!!

It’s a tale as old as time…new year brings declarations of all the wonderful things we’re going to change – lose weight, save money, get a promotion and so it goes.

Then January 2nd comes along and we’re eating Twinkies, while online shopping with our almost maxed out credit card while at work, pretending to listen to a conference call.

This year, I decided I’m going to look at the new year in a new way.  I made a list of things I wanted to change.  I made a plan of how I’m going to improve on my weakness and enhance my strengths (woohoo for actually using something I learned in college!!).

While it is admittedly possible I’ve put too many things on my list, I have many areas in my plan of action but a quick run down is as follows:

*Going back to school to pursue an entirely new field of study
*I just submitted my goal for the Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge. 20 books this year!
*A little less E! and a little more actual news…

*No more being late on skin cancer checks!!
*Add one healthy eating/drinking habit at a time. I’m starting with reducing soda intake and gulping down water no matter how little I like it!!
*Schedule blocks of time to workout (and stick to it!!!)

*Continue attending church (We’ve just found one we like)
*Find a volunteer position at church
*Complete Bible in 90 Days challenge
*Regular community service as a family

*Create daily, weekly & monthly routines that allow weekends to be less housework focused and more family-focused
*Continue our progress paying down credit card debt
*More Daddy/Daughter time which equals Mommy-quiet-time!!!! Win-win!!

This list is not comprehensive as I hope it will evolve as the year progresses. 2011 was a hard year for me personally as I slowly let myself go..not physically but mentally and emotionally. I cared about myself less and less. Finally a good friend reminded me that until I made sure I loved myself and make myself happy, I can’t expect anyone else to. To me, the start of a new year brings me an opportunity to begin that journey.

Feel free to share any goals you’ve made for the coming year. If you’ve blogged about it – share the link!! I’d love to help support those of you who need it in the coming year with accomplishing our goals and welcome anyone who feels compelled to cheer me on as well!!

Let’s make 2012 the best year we’ve had yet!!

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