Tag: skin cancer

Melanoma Monday is Here Again

Today is Melanoma Monday.

Melanoma Monday was founded by the American Academy of Dermatology in the early 1980s to encourage sun safety leading up to the summer months.

I’m thankful that there is not much to share when it comes to my experience with melanoma.

If you’re new to my melanoma story, here’s a quick recap:

Melano-not me

Post Procedure Update

All Clear

And an embarrassingly crappy, old YouTube video:

I am now 12 years post-diagnosis and I’ve very happy to report that I’ve had no reoccurrence. I’ve maintained 6-month checkups for most of that time and recently my dermatologist and I decided we could knock those back to every 8 months.

I’ve had a few biopsies here and there – some in more painful spots than others – but my philosophy is that I’d rather have an uncomfortable biopsy that comes back negative than miss something that becomes a bigger problem.

As always, I encourage you to do what you can to prevent skin cancer, learn to do self-exams, and see your dermatologist regularly.

Early detection made a HUGE difference in the outcome of my melanoma. So I will be a broken record the rest of my life shouting that message from the rooftops!!!!

When was your last visit to the dermatologist for a skin cancer screening?

All Clear

Excision Scar

I recently had my latest skin cancer check. I’m on a six-month schedule since having found stage zero melanoma on my hand last year and had an excision to make sure it hadn’t spread any further than that little spot. Thankfully, it hadn’t.

My original doctor is unfortunately battling bone cancer so I saw a new dermatologist, Dr. Parry. Being female certainly helped with some of my anxiety. As mature as I tried to be about it in the past, there were definitely times it was awkward to have male doctor scanning literally every inch of skin on your body. But its so important you can’t let that discourage you from doing it!

I did have a little spot on my tummy that was somewhat worrisome to me and although she didn’t think it was a problem, she removed it to have it biopsied.

I’m happy to say the results came back earlier this week and the biopsy showed no signs of cancer!!

Do you have an annual skin cancer screening?  Do you keep an eye on your moles to watch for irregularities or changes?  Do you try to limit your sun exposure?  Tell me how you’re keeping yourself protected from skin cancer!!

A look back

I’ve had lots of stuff I’ve wanted to post about but typing is still a bit tough on my hand. I am SO counting down the days until these stitches come out!! (5, ugh!)

How about a look back at what B looked like a year ago? I love reminiscing!!

and today-ish

What’s in Brooke’s hand in that picture you ask? (Too bad if you didn’t) It’s sunscreen and since May is Melanoma Prevention and Early Detection Month she probably wants to make sure you wear YOUR sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when you are going to be out in the sun.