Author: Sarah Marshall

School Lunches Are Back – Week of August 8th

The 2016 – 17 school year has begun and that means it is back to packing lunches.

School Lunches Aug 8th

This week Brooke had a mix of old standbys like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and taco salad. I also tried making a basic sandwich a little more fun by changing up the presentation a bit. She also enjoyed a warm sandwich when I packed up some leftovers in her Thermos.

We’re off to a great start!!

Items used in this week’s lunches:
Easy Lunchboxes –
Easy Lunchboxes Mini Dippers –
Thermos FunTainer –

Recipes used in this week’s lunches:
Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes –

On The Eve of the First Day of School

It’s time. 

The outfit has been chosen. 

The forms have been filled out, signed and dated.

We’ve attended Open House Night and met the new teacher. 

The items on the school supply list have been purchased and labeled. 

Summer is coming to a close and I don’t even remember it happening. 9 weeks just came and went. 

As I double checked the mental list of what needs to be done on a school night I realized this is the best day of the year. 

I haven’t screwed up yet. 

I haven’t forgotten to send a lunch or lunch money to school. 

Permissions slips haven’t been lost in the piles on my desk. 

No one has gone to school on picture day with bed head & a shirt with a spaghetti stain. 

I’ve signed up for FTO and not a single meeting has been missed. 

So tonight as I go to bed I can rest assured that I am on my “A” game with a perfect record for the school year with nothing to apologize for or to be ashamed of. 


Hurray for the Eve Of The First Day of School. 

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a thing for office supplies. Fun new colored pens & notebooks are one of my love languages.

When I entered middle school, they started giving us student planners and I loved it!! From then until now I’ve used many different types of planners and until recently, it was more for fun then it was for necessity.

Yes, I’m aware how weird I am.

I have entered a season of life where I have so many different schedules, to-do’s, reminders for myself and the members of my family that finding just the right planner is very important and not to be taken lightly.

I’ve had a MomAgenda in the past and really liked that I could have separate areas for each family member. For most of 2105, I used this Sugar Paper planner I found at Target. It was good but I needed something better – more than a calendar. When 2016 came along, I knew I wanted to take my time and find something with the separate areas for each family member at least and maybe some other neat features if possible. I ended up with a Day-Timer FamilyPlus and I had really high hopes for it. Alas, it did not live up to my expectations.

All this time I’d really wanted an Erin Condren LifePlanner. I just couldn’t justify the cost until I was a little more of exactly what I wanted. In the meantime, I watched Unboxing & Plan With Me videos on YouTube and would browse the Erin Condren site and dream.

Then I got the email that all planners were 40% off!!! I could get my first Erin Condren LifePlanner for only $25! I jumped at the chance and eagerly waited for it to arrive!!!

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing - Cover

I chose one of the Good-To-Go covers as it was the least expensive option and it would have been very hard to choose among the personalized options. Plus, I knew that the covers are interchangeable and I can always get a new one if I decide there’s something I really want.

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing - Month View

The Monthly View is great for jotting down the bigger picture items on your calendar – birthdays, appointments, general reminders. In the Erin Condren LifePlanners, each month has a new color scheme. I thought April’s was light & springy!!

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing - Week View

The Weekly View is where you can go into more detail – goals, to-do lists, daily tasks, etc. It has become queite popular to customize & personalize these pages with washi tape, labels, name it. Check out YouTube for some great ideas. I hope to venture into – likely to much lesser degree – as I learn how to make the planner work best for me.

Erin Condren LifePlanner Unboxing - Extras

The back of the planner has a pouch with lots of great bonus accessories for your LifePlanner. They include compliment cards, referral cards and a sample set of “do-it-all” dots.

I am so excited to get started using my new Erin Condren LifePlanner!!! To see more details of what was in the box and closer look at the LifePlanner and bonus items, check out my Unboxing video below. If you’re interested in getting your own Erin Condren LifePlanner, now is the time because they’ve gone down to 50% off!! In addition, if you use my referral link – you get $10 off your first order and I’ll get $10 of my next order – win, win!!