Tag: elementary school

I’ve Been Waiting For This

I’ve Been Waiting For This

She’s been able to read since before she entered Kindergarten. She’s almost a year ahead in reading level. Above average compared to other kids her age nationally.
Reading in Robe

We would do the 15-20 minutes of reading per night that all of her teachers have asked for us to do. She even got an award from her principal last year for the number of entries on her reading log last year.

Although she had the ability and would do it often for school purposes, she wasn’t very interested in reading for fun. It would be among my first suggestions whenever I’d hear “I don’t know what to do!!!” or “I”m bored!” Alas, the response would always be no.
Reading in Car in Black Shirt

Then, during one random browse through the Target One Spot, I picked up Call of the Wild thinking it was a good book to have in our collection for the girls eventually. Especially at only $1!!!
Reading at Taco Bell

That girl sat in the cart for the remainder of the shopping trip with her nose in that book. And since then, she’s been obsessed with reading. She’s reading chapter books in one day, reading them multiple times, reading books that are a grade level or two ahead of her.
Reading in bed with Leah

As a former book nerd, I’m so happy to see her get excited about reading. It opens so many doors to creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, yada yada yada.

There’s not a ton of things I want her to inherit from me but being a bookworm sure is one I do.