Tag: Working Mommy Wednesday

Working Mommy Wednesday – Weekend Warrior

Good Intentions

I start every weekend with them. I have a mental list of all the housework I can tackle: rooms tidied, laundry washed, dried, folded AND put away, meals prepped and frozen…

photo credit vincent0849

Then I have the mental list of all the fun activities I can do with Brooke: play outside, paint, cook & bake, play games, build puzzles…

Paint Brushes.
photo credit ohdearbarb

The reality? By the time I get breakfast made and cleaned up, I look at the clock and realize I need to start thinking about lunch. Lunch is thrown together and I try to get Brooke to eat faster, faster, faster so her nap doesn’t start crazy late.  In a nutshell, my weekends are gone before I even realize they’ve come.

Since moving here to Tennessee, the weekends have gotten better.  We’ve made a real effort to do more during the week so that we aren’t bogged down when the weekend rolls around.  I still struggle with balancing the things that need to be done around the house with spending quality time with both Brooke and Keith but I feel our situation has improved and will continue to do so as we continue tweaking our new routine.

What are your weekends like? Is it a time of relaxation and reconnecting or do you cram your days with chores and catch-up?

This post is linked to Working Mommy Wednesday

Working Mommy Wednesday – Getting dinner on the table

I haven’t participated in Working Mommy Wednesday in a while but I’d always enjoyed it and liked representing the Working Mom in the blogging world because it doesn’t seem like there are many of us!!

Prompt this week: Meals for the week, do you cook every night? If so HOW do you working mommies do it???

Yep, I cook just about every night. Moreso since we’ve moved to Tennessee. Since running through a drive-thru isn’t as easy as it was in Houston, cooking at home is actually the easier choice. But its still not a walk in the park. In order to Brooke’s bedtime routine started by 7, I need to be fairly quick in meal preparation.

My tips:


I create a meal plan every week. Sometimes I take advantage of the meal plan from e-mealz and sometimes I do it all my own. I use ziplist to compile my grocery list based on the recipes I plan to use that week.

Prep Ahead of Time

Whether its the weekend or night before, do as much as you can beforehand. I like to chop veggies and have them ready. I cook chicken and brown ground beef and freeze in one meal portions. Saving that one step on a weeknight can be such a help! I will also set out any canned or boxed goods, dishes or utensils I’ll need and the recipe on the counter. That way I’m also 100% I have all the ingredients I need and won’t need to make an emergency grocery stop.

Keep It Simple

Just about every week, you’ll see “Grilled Cheese/Quesadillas” or “Panini Night” on my menu plan. There are going to be nights when making a “real” dinner just ain’t gonna happen. That’s fine! As long as everyone is fed and there was a decent attempt to get some veggies in there too, I’ve done my job!

This will not be an option for everyone but something I’ve started doing is stopping at home before I pick up Brooke from school. I was driving by our house everyday to get to school and realized, I could get in 30-40 minutes of meal prep, cleaning or a little quiet time if I made a pit stop. So most nights, I’ll have dinner put together and ready to go before I bring Brooke home. I’m sure you can imagine how much quicker you can make dinner without a 2-year old “helping” or asking for a drink, snack, potty, etc. every 30 seconds.

Those are the things that work for me. An added bonus to all these meals at home has been the cost savings!! We’ve really noticed a difference in our wallets since we’ve made more of an effort to avoid restaurants during the week.

Do you struggle with getting dinner on the table at night? Do you have any tips for making the “witching hour” not so witchy?

Summer Goals

This weekend was the un-official start to summer. With that in mind, here are my goals for Summer 2011.

boxes photo credit: joebeone

Read 8 books
stack of books, Ballard, Seattle, Washington photo credit: Wonderlane

Work 3 car seat check-ups

A trip or two to the beach!
Sandcastles in the sand 03.06.2011

Move Brooke to a Big Girl Bed!

Have you made any goals for the summer? Share them in the comments or if you’re a blogger, head over to Work Wife Mom…Life! and link up your summer bucket list!

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