Does Celebrity Mom = Working Mom?

When I need to take a mental break at work, I’ll usually log onto sites like, or something equally mindless.  Recently I’ve seen quite a few articles addressing how celebrities moms like Brooke Burke and Gwenyth Paltrow “do it all” as a working mom.

That does not shock me but what does is the venom that is spewed in the comments sections of these articles.  For some reason, non-celebrity moms feel the need to bring celeb moms down a peg or two.  I really don’t understand why we as moms feel the need to do this to each other.

We all have our own struggles.  While Mommy Sue is struggling to make ends meet, Mommy Jane is having marriage troubles.  Does the fact that Mommy Jane’s family have more money mean her misfortune is any less difficult?  Of course not.

Yes, celebrity moms have more disposable income so they can afford nannies, chefs, personal trainers, etc.  But they also have to shield their children from papparzzi, that’s something I don’t deal with on a daily basis.  I don’t have to travel far away and work 18 hour days for long periods of time away from my family.  No one publishes a news story when I make a mistake.

Celebrity moms don’t have it any easier or harder than “regular moms”  just like working moms don’t have it any easier or harder than stay-at-home moms.  We’re all moms – let’s be in this together instead of looking for ways to set us against each other.

What do you think?  Are we as moms too quick too pit our fellow moms against each other?

2 thoughts on “Does Celebrity Mom = Working Mom?

  1. I totally agree with you. I understand the frustration for some people to hear that these are working moms when from our point of view, it doesn’t look so much like they work too hard at anything. But, you’re right- they face challenges we will never face and they still worry ab the exact same things we worry ab.

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