Itchy Situation

Since I’ve been back from my business trip to Arizona, I’ve been exhausted and my body hurt. Neither of these were a huge shock because we keep long hours at this conference and I’d lugged my computer bag and duffle bag on my shoulder through two airports on Friday.

Tuesday afternoon at work, I started feeling like I was burning up from the inside out. My face was warm to the touch and I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. I thought it was just from being tired and resolved to get to bed early that night.

While Keith and I were watching TV before bed, I mentioned to him how I would have guessed an ear infection info hadn’t been on an antibiotic the past week.

As the night went on, I noticed myself getting itchy. Then a rash….

Stumped, I consulted Dr. Google and WebMD. The first thing that popped up from my symptoms was allergic reaction. I passed it over at first until it clicked….the antibiotic. When I’d picked them up at the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave me a long shpiel about the side effects and yep, itching and rash was one of them.

So fricken' itchy!!

My arms, legs, face, even the sides of my feet and eyelids are covered in rash. I was so itchy last night I tossed and turned until about 4:30 when I remembers we had some anti-itch cream in Brooke’s bedroom.

Fortunately, my manager agreed to let me work from home. I was not looking forward to being in public with my face all red and splotchy. I was still really uncomfortable but I was at least at home and able to stop and take a minute to layer on the hydrocortisone every once on a while.

24 hours, 3 doses of Benadryl, 2 oatmeal baths and countless applications of anti-itch cream later, I’m still itchy as hell and worried about being able to sleep tonight.

Just for fun…here’s a clip from Friends that has been stuck in my head all day. Laugn with me…its the best medicine!!

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