Tag: eBook

Top 4 Reasons I Purchased the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

4 Reasons I Bought the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

As time is running out on this great deal, I wanted to take a minute and share with you the reasons that I think the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is such a great thing. So here are the Top 4 Reasons I Bought the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.

To Support Moms

One reason I make sure to purchase the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is to support other moms. The majority of the authors offering these books and resources (at a CRAZY discount to you) are women just like me who are offering their knowledge because they believe in the subject matter. But they are also supporting their families financially by writing and selling these books on their blogs. I’m happy to support that by buying an Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.

It Saves Time

Next is something I think we can all relate to – saving TIME!! Can you imagine how long it would take to round up all this information and have it organized so it’s easy to use? Not only did the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle team gather up all these wonderful resources, they organized them too. When you download your files, they are already grouped in folders according to category. If your main interest is gardening and backyard homesteading, you don’t have to sift through the natural beauty or cleaning products books.

Variety of Formats

Another reason I’m totally in love with these bundles is the variety they offer. If you’re really into reading, there are 70+ eBooks to stick your nose in. Do you have a more interactive learning style, try out the eCourses. I’m excited about the Essential Oils course and the Grocery Savings Course. Maybe you’d like to try some of the products that are discussed in either of the above. If that’s the case, there are $200 worth of bonuses available to you. Some required a shipping fee but that is minimal in relation to the value that is being offered. My goal is to have requested all my freebies by the end of the week. Leah’s teething again so I think she’ll like the Baltic amber bracelet and I’m ready to get my stretch on with the 4-month membership to StayAtHomeYoga.com.


Healthy Family

Of course, the ultimate benefit of buying the bundle and using its resources is a healthier family. Making changes can be overwhelming but the items in this bundle make them more accessible. These eBook and courses are offered by real people who are sharing what they’ve learned through their own trial and error. Not every book will be for you but at this price, you can feel you’re getting a great value even if you don’t utilize every single piece. For me personally, my priorities will be real food recipes and green cleaning. When I get comfortable with those changes, I may add to that and look into natural beauty methods. I probably won’t ever open the homesteading books – and that’s okay!! The knowledge I’ve gained from the others will still greatly benefit my family.

I won’t take any more of your time talking about why I bought the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle. Time is running out and I don’t want to keep you from getting your own bundle and starting your journey to a healthier family!

This post contains affiliate links. I may be compensated for any purchases made via links found in this post.

How To Get the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2014 FREE

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2014

I’ve just heard that the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2014 will be available very soon and Ultimate Bundles is offering to send an email to those interested to let them know when its released. My understanding is that this edition includes over 70 eBooks, courses and some tangible bonus items as well.

To sign up, click here: Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle 2014

As if knowing immediately when its available isn’t enough, here’s where the “getting it free” comes into play: When you join the email list, in addition to getting the notification that the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle has been released, you’ll also get a referral link to share with your friends, family & social media channels.

When one person signs up with your link, you will get: $5 off your bundle

When 5 people sign up with your link, you will get: Free 12-session Audio Conference

When 10 people sign up, you will get: The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle for FREE!

What’s even awesome-er….your link is also tied to anyone your friends refers and anyone they refer and on and on…so your referrals will grow and grow as the sharing continues and you’ll be at your free Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle in no time!!

This offer ends when the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is released so get sharing!!!

**This probably isn’t a shock but my referral link is all over this post!! Wanted to cover my bases and be sure to disclose it anyway.**