Tag: lack of sleep

Sleep, Interrupted

I don’t think I can remember a night in the past couple months that I’ve laid my head down on my pillow for night-night and slept until my alarm goes off.

It started when Keith began having trouble with waking at night and getting back to sleep. Once he’s awake, my admittedly-annoying sleep noises kept him from falling back to sleep. Cue tossing, turning and the eventual descent to the couch which jostles me awake.

Then there are the mornings he gets up to go to the gym at 5:30am. He’s typically pretty good at being quiet but the Rick Flair “WOOOOO” that he uses as his alarm gets me every time.

At least SOMEONE's sleeping

On top of all that, Brooke has started waking at night for various things. Sometimes its “night dreams”, sometimes she thinks she’s had an accident (she wears overnight training pants to bed) and the one I’m most confused by…”Mommy!!! I sleep two ti-imes!!!” I have no clue what that even means. My best guess is she woke up, went back to sleep and so therefore can get up now.

Luckily, she tends to go back down quickly with a little re-tuck, kiss on the check and yet another reminder that we stay quiet until her clock turns green.

So as it always tends to work out for Mommy, everyone else’s sleep issues become her sleep issues.

Even though the organizers at our regional Sales Conference keep us very busy and we don’t get to sleep a whole lot, I’m looking forward to my upcoming trip to Arizona so that I can sleep in a big King bed with no one to wake me!!

A girl can dream, right? If only I could sleep to dream…..