Tag: resolutions

Mid-January update

We’ve made it to the middle of January so I thought I would check in and report on some of the plans for change I’d made at the start of the year.


*Classes started Thursday and I’ve logged into class every day to check in. I am going to work school time into my daily schedule and stay as ahead of the game as possible. And I’m proud to say I got a great deal on my textbook from Chegg with cash back for shopping through ebates.
*I’ve made a list on Goodreads of some books I want to finish in 2012. I’ve used most of my reading time for my Bible in 90 Days program.
*I haven’t totally abandoned People.com or E! Online but I’ve looked at it far less often.


*Still need to make an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin cancer check.
*My new habit of drinking more water has gone well. I haven’t mindlessly poured a glass of soda just because and I’ve been drinking water with dinner. There is still room for improvement but I’m happy with what I’ve done so far.
*I haven’t been doing so well with scheduling workout times but have worked physical activity when I can into any blocks of time I can. I’m also proud to say I’ve included Brooke as much as possible by getting a Yoga DVD geared for kids at the library that we’ve enjoyed and playing Just Dance Kids & Nickelodeon Fit together on the Wii.


*I’ve attended church either in person or online every Sunday so far this year.
*Haven’t decided in what area I’d like to volunteer. I’m going to allow myself to get a little more familiar with the church before I commit.
*I’m over a week behind in the Bible in 90 Days challenge. I’m okay with that. I read as much as I can when I can and unless something crazy happens, I realize it will take me longer than 90 days to do it. At this point, my goal is to finish it.
*Community service as a family I have not really put much thought or effort into as of yet. We’ll get there though!


*Now that my class has started and I have an idea what level of time commitment needs to be made, I’m ready to sit down and work on our schedule.
*We sold some stuff on Craigslist and are continuing to put as much money as possible toward paying off our last credit card!!!
*Yesterday, Keith and Brooke went to the men’s basketball game and I had a couple hours all to myself!! It was nice to have some quiet time to meal plan, organize my Pinterest boards and start this blog post.

So overall, I’ve had some successes so far and there are plenty of areas that have room for improvement. Not too shabby for mid-way through January!!

How are things going for you so far in 2012? Leave me a comment or link to a blog post you’ve written about your 2012 “resolutions”.