Tag: second trimester

Halfway There!!


I’ve made it to the halfway point – 20 weeks pregnant today!!

According to TheBump and BabyCenter, Baby is approximately the size of a banana. Every once in a great while I feel Baby fluttering around in there. I’m definitely looking forward to when I start feeling those movements a little more regularly.

I’m feeling much better than I was 3-4 weeks ago. The second trimester energy you always hear about is evading me but I’m okay with that if I can at least function and not go through my days in a haze of feeling yucky. I also seem to feeling the round ligament pains much more this time than I remember with Brooke. I’ve realized I need to get out of my chair at work and walk around a little bit because I’m very stiff if I’ve sat too long.

I’ve been wearing materntiy clothes for awhile..mostly cuz’ I can. I was still wearing regular pants at my 12 week checkup and my midwife was impressed. It was then that I allowed myself to start bringing out the elastic waistbands. I do need to invest in a few more pieces because my while my current maternity wardrobe was great for a fall baby in Houston, it doesn’t work so well for a early summer baby in a place where we actually get snow.

We are looking forward to our “big” ultrasound next week…on Valentine’s Day!! This time around we will be finding out the gender in advance. Brooke is coming along and she is super excited to know if she’s getting a brother or sister. Daddy’s super excited to know what we’re going to do with the boxes of girl’s clothes in the guestroom closet.

What about you?? Any guesses on what Baby Marshall will be??