Tag: working out

Too Much and Not Enough

Last week was an exhausting week for me. I had a big project due at school on top of other work for another class. We registered Brooke for gymnastics and stayed afterwards to take advantage of open gym on Monday. Tuesday we had long standing dinner plans to be there for opening night of Chuy’s. The 45 minutes we waited outside was worth it…the food was a amazeballs. I also went to the gym two of those nights and met a blog deadline.

By the time 11:55 Friday night, the moment my assignments and homework were due, rolled around I was exhausted.

And I missed my family. Yeah, I saw them every night…for awhile. But no sooner had the dinner dishes been taken to the kitchen, to be cleaned by my saint of a husband, I’d be off. On the nights I wasn’t stationed at the dining room table with a textbook, I was at the gym working on my Couch to 5K training. I felt like I was constantly rushing Brooke around and pushing her away and by the end of the week, her behavior reflected it.

I began to wonder if it was worth it. Yes, getting this degree in Early Ed is the first step to working in a field I am actually passionate about. Yes, for my health and sanity, I needed to get physically active.

Everyone says to moms, “You have to do something for yourself”.

“Make sure you get Me Time.”

“Get out of the house once in awhile”

I always thought that maybe I was doing it wrong by not spending more time doing things like girl’s night outs and days at the spa. But one week of doing things for me and I’m exhausted.

I’m hoping it will get easier. I think it will. My class load this fall will be smaller so there won’t be as much schoolwork to juggle. I’ve recommitted myself to menu planning so the period between me walking in the door after work and out the door to the gym doesn’t have to so hectic. Brooke will get used to Daddy putting her to bed by himself sometimes and I’ll get used to missing a bedtime here and there.

And I’ll have to remember in the long run…it will be worth it.

Yesterday, I ran

I stepped up on the treadmill. My Couch to 5K app was up and ready. Headphones plugged in and ready to rock. I pushed start on the treadmill and the app and began my brisk warm-up walk.

The clock was approaching the 5 minute mark when I would do the first run portion of today’s training.

I glanced at the cute skinny blonde on the treadmill next to me. A pang of self-doubt hit me as I imagined all the snarky things she could think of me if I tried to run.

Luckily, something in me pushed aside the negative dialogue and replaced it with positive.

“What does it matter what she thinks?” “You have to start somewhere” “Don’t put it off”

So when the voice in my headphones said “Start to Run”, I did. For a full minute. And I didn’t die.

For twenty minutes, I alternated walking and running. My left shin hurt and I felt awkward. I wondered if the people around me could tell.

After the 30 minute C25K program was done, I headed over to the elliptical. That machine and my thighs do not get along. But I’ve challenged myself to go a little longer each time I’m on it. Yestrday I went from 7 to 10 minutes!!

After 15 more minutes on the treadmill to cool down, I called it quits for the day and wondered why, of all days, was today the day we forgot our water bottles?